
A Guide to Finding Meaning: A Summary of Man’s Search for Meaning (By Victor Frankl)

“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist, made a significant impact on the world of psychology with his exploration of meaning and purpose in life. Born in Vienna in 1905, Frankl developed an early interest in the human […]

A Guide to Finding Meaning: A Summary of Man’s Search for Meaning (By Victor Frankl) Read More »

Books Summaries, Psychology & Mindfulness
Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED Talk Summary

In her engaging TED Talk, social psychologist Amy Cuddy shares a transformative, no-tech life hack that can dramatically influence your confidence and success: power posing. By changing your body language for just two minutes, you can alter your brain chemistry, emotions, and behavior, setting you up for a more powerful and assertive presence. Let’s break

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED Talk Summary Read More »

Ted Talk Summary

Master Your Time: Inspirational Quotes from Stephen Covey (First Things First)

“First Things First” by Stephen Covey is a groundbreaking book that has reshaped the way we think about time management and productivity. At Book Butter Club, we’ve previously provided a comprehensive summary and created an Action Step Handbook to help readers implement its principles. In this post, we will transform some of Covey’s most impactful

Master Your Time: Inspirational Quotes from Stephen Covey (First Things First) Read More »

Quotes, Self-Help & Personal Development

Beyond Time Management: The Power of Principle-Centered Living (by Stephen Covey)

“There is no shortcut. But there is a path.” – Stephen Covey In today’s fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves caught in a cycle of constant busyness. We rush from task to task, driven by the pressure of deadlines, urgent requests, and daily obligations. This focus on the immediate and urgent often leads us

Beyond Time Management: The Power of Principle-Centered Living (by Stephen Covey) Read More »

Books Summaries, Self-Help & Personal Development
The Problem With Being “Too Nice” at Work | Tessa West | TED Talk Summary

The Problem With Being “Too Nice” at Work | Tessa West | TED Talk Summary

In this TED Talk, social psychologist Tessa West discusses the intricate dynamics of awkward social interactions, delving into why we often become overly nice and generic when we feel anxious or uncomfortable. With over 20 years of experience studying uncomfortable social interactions, she explores how these moments affect us and how we can navigate them

The Problem With Being “Too Nice” at Work | Tessa West | TED Talk Summary Read More »

Ted Talk Summary