New Self-Help Books That Made The New York Times Best Seller List in May 2024 

This month, we’re focusing on the latest best-selling books in the “Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous” category as listed by the New York Times. This could help you discover your next great read.

In March and April, we saw some great books. They taught us new things and gave us good advice. Now, it’s May and we have new books to explore. We’ll list these books and tell you a little about each one. This way, you can see what they’re about.

So, let’s explore what May has in store for us!

The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway

The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway

“The Algebra of Wealth” by Scott Galloway is a guide to achieving financial freedom and eliminating economic anxiety. The book presents a personal formula for success, which is based on four key components: focus, Stoicism, time, and diversification.

  1. Focus: Galloway emphasizes the importance of concentrating your efforts in areas where you can excel. He advises against following passion blindly, as not all passions lead to successful careers.
  2. Stoicism: The author suggests developing a strong character and practicing Stoicism, which involves accepting things as they are and focusing on what you can control.
  3. Time: This component covers spending, budgeting, and saving for the future. Galloway stresses the importance of time in building wealth.
  4. Diversification: The most technical part of the book, here Galloway coaches readers through strategies for investing their capital.

Throughout the book, Galloway shares personal anecdotes from his life, including his childhood, the birth of his first child, and his divorce. He provides a realistic and unvarnished view of the challenges and opportunities in the journey to financial security.

In essence, “The Algebra of Wealth” offers practical advice and strategies to better your chances for economic security in today’s economy. It’s a valuable read for anyone looking to understand the principles of wealth creation and financial success.

Love Life by Matthew Hussey

Love Life by Matthew Hussey

“Love Life” by Matthew Hussey is a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of modern dating and relationships. The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of relationships:

  1. Raising Your Standards: Hussey emphasizes the importance of setting high standards for oneself and one’s relationships. He encourages readers to identify their core values and non-negotiables, emphasizing the role of self-respect and self-worth in attracting healthy and fulfilling partnerships.
  2. Finding Your Person: In this chapter, Hussey explores strategies for meeting potential partners and building meaningful connections. He offers practical tips for navigating dating apps, social settings, and other avenues for meeting new people, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, confidence, and communication in forming genuine connections.
  3. Building Confidence: Hussey delves into the concept of confidence and its role in attracting and maintaining healthy relationships. He offers practical exercises and mindset shifts for boosting self-confidence and overcoming insecurities, empowering readers to step into their authentic selves and attract partners who appreciate them for who they are.
  4. Communication and Connection: Hussey explores the importance of effective communication in fostering intimacy and connection in relationships. He offers practical tips for expressing needs, setting boundaries, and resolving conflicts constructively, emphasizing the value of vulnerability, empathy, and active listening in building strong and supportive partnerships.
  5. Embracing Imperfection: Hussey discusses the concept of embracing imperfection and accepting oneself and others as they are. He encourages readers to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace the messy, imperfect nature of relationships, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness, compassion, and resilience in navigating the ups and downs of love and partnership.

In conclusion, “Love Life” provides readers with a comprehensive roadmap for cultivating healthy, fulfilling relationships in today’s complex dating landscape. With practical advice, actionable strategies, and heartfelt insights, Hussey empowers readers to raise their standards, find their person, and live happily ever after, no matter what challenges they may face along the way.

ADHD Is Awesome by Penn Holderness and Kim Holderness

ADHD Is Awesome by Penn Holderness and Kim Holderness

“ADHD Is Awesome” by Penn Holderness and Kim Holderness is a New York Times Bestseller that provides a fresh perspective on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The book is designed to be engaging and uplifting, offering strategies to make life with ADHD a little easier.

This book covers several key areas:

  1. ADHD 101: It provides an understanding of what it’s like to live with an ADHD brain and debunks common misconceptions about the disorder.
  2. Changing The Narrative: The authors encourage readers to find the upsides of an ADHD diagnosis and to view it not as a burden, but as a unique strength.
  3. Thriving with ADHD: The book offers strategies and techniques for mastering ADHD, including practical advice on managing time, staying organized, and maintaining focus.
  4. Creativity, Hyperfocus, and Energy: The authors highlight the positive aspects of ADHD, such as heightened creativity, the ability to hyperfocus, and high energy levels. They argue that these traits can be harnessed as superpowers that can propel individuals to achieve more than they ever thought possible.

The book is filled with relatable anecdotes, fun graphics, and insights from the authors’ own experiences with ADHD. It aims to show readers that having ADHD doesn’t mean you’re failing at life – in fact, you’re awesome! It’s a must-read for anyone who has ADHD, knows someone with ADHD, or simply wants to understand the disorder better.

The New Menopause by Mary Claire Haver

The New Menopause by Mary Claire Haver

“The New Menopause” by Dr. Mary Claire Haver is a comprehensive guide to navigating the menopausal transition with poise and confidence. The book is filled with useful tips, insightful analysis, and supportive guidance. Here’s a brief summary of the key chapters:

  1. Embracing Change: Dr. Haver reframes menopause as a healthy, empowering stage of life rather than a disease to be feared. She urges readers to welcome change as a chance for personal development and self-discovery.
  2. Understanding Hormonal Shifts: This chapter explores the consequences of menopausal hormone changes on the body and mind. Dr. Haver dispels widely held myths about hormones and provides doable methods for controlling hormone swings to promote health and well-being.
  3. Managing Physical Symptoms: Dr. Haver covers all the typical physical signs of menopause like vaginal dryness, nocturnal sweats, and hot flashes. She offers evidence-based symptom management techniques, including dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and medicinal interventions.
  4. Nurturing Emotional Health: Emotional difficulties associated with menopause can include anxiety, depression, and mood changes. Dr. Haver provides helpful methods and strategies like journaling, mindfulness exercises, and seeking support from friends, family, or mental health specialists to foster emotional well-being.
  5. Cultivating Sexual Wellness: Dr. Haver discusses common sexual issues like diminished libido and vaginal pain during menopause. She offers advice on how to preserve intimacy and enjoyment through dialogue, learning, and experimentation.
  6. Prioritizing Self-Care: In this chapter, Dr. Haver stresses the importance of self-care throughout menopause. She provides helpful advice on how to prioritize self-care, such as setting boundaries, engaging in joyful activities, and practicing self-compassion.
  7. Handling Relationships: Menopause can affect friendships, familial ties, and romantic relationships. Dr. Haver discusses methods for managing these interactions with dignity and kindness, such as having honest conversations, establishing ground rules, asking for help when necessary, and cultivating positive relationships.

In essence, “The New Menopause” offers a thorough manual for negotiating the menopausal transition with poise and assurance. By providing pragmatic guidance, uplifting perspectives, and empathetic assistance, Dr. Haver enables women to seize this pivotal life phase and prosper throughout midlife and beyond.

Power Moves by Sarah Jakes Roberts

Power Moves by Sarah Jakes Roberts

“Power Moves: Ignite Your Confidence and Become a Force” by Sarah Jakes Roberts is an empowering guide that encourages readers to embrace their authentic selves and live life with intentionality. Here’s a brief summary:

  1. Unleashing the Superpower of Being Yourself: The book starts with the premise that each individual has a unique superpower – being themselves. It encourages readers to strip their minds of societal expectations and to determine their truth without judgment.
  2. Harnessing Authentic Power in Christ: The author emphasizes that authentic power lies not in success, achievement, or performance, but in humility, honesty, and the commitment to continuous growth. She encourages readers to create space for God’s love to meet them in their most raw form and polish them to shine like never before.
  3. Living Life Authentically: The book helps readers to qualify whether they’re living life authentically or if they’ve found a way to maintain the status quo. It reveals the principles required to tap into the most powerful version of who they are.
  4. Introducing Your Authentic Self to the World: The author guides readers on how to introduce their authentic selves to the world around them. She helps them give language to their changing needs, acknowledge and applaud their growth, refuse to bear the weight all at once or all alone, and release their power.
  5. Awakening Your Boldness: The book encourages readers to open their eyes to the way that God sees them and awaken their boldness to effect change in the world by living out the truth of who God says they are with confidence.

Throughout the book, Sarah Jakes Roberts shares insights from scripture and examples from her own life to solidify the reader’s journey. Each chapter ends with sections titled “Marinate”, “Activate”, and “Pray”, providing readers with practical applications and spiritual reflections.

In essence, “Power Moves” is a guide to igniting your confidence, embracing your authentic self, and becoming a force in the world.



JUST THE GOOD STUFF: No-BS Secrets to Success” by Jim VandeHei is a real-world guide to achieving success in life. It’s a blend of a self-help book and a memoir, written in a concise and straightforward style.

  1. Early Life and Struggles: The book starts with VandeHei’s early life, where he was considered not cut out for college. Despite a low GPA and a lack of clear career plans, he discovered his passion for politics and journalism, which changed his life.
  2. Career Journey: VandeHei went on to cover the presidency and co-founded two of the biggest modern news outlets, Politico and Axios. He shares his experiences and lessons learned from his journey, from being a reporter to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  3. Practical Guidance: The book provides practical, no-nonsense advice on how to handle everything from finding a calling to building a team to navigating the realities of a changing workplace. It shows that no matter how inauspicious our beginnings, a fulfilling life is within our reach.
  4. Personal Growth: VandeHei shares his personal growth journey, including his transformation from a person with extreme failures in life to a successful entrepreneur. He provides insights into how he overcame his challenges and achieved success.
  5. Success Redefined: The book redefines success as not just about wealth and career achievements, but also about health, happiness, and personal fulfillment. It encourages readers to strive for this holistic view of success.

In essence, “JUST THE GOOD STUFF” is a book that offers valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to navigate today’s complex world and build a meaningful, successful career and life.

Say More by Jen Psaki

Say More by Jen Psaki

“Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World” by Jen Psaki is a combination of memoir and practical guide that draws from her career experiences. Here’s a brief summary:

  1. Resetting the Tone: The book starts with Jen Psaki’s first day on the job as Biden’s press secretary, where she aimed to change the tense atmosphere in the briefing room that had persisted from the Trump administration. This chapter discusses her initial challenges and determination to bring a more respectful tone to the press interactions.
  2. Communicating Effectively: Drawing from her experiences with political figures and while raising children, Psaki elaborates on effective communication. She discusses tips on active listening, boundary setting, and humor while illustrating these strategies through anecdotes.
  3. Handling Crisis Situations: Here, Psaki offers insights into how she navigated some of the intense crises faced in the White House. This includes handling press interactions during the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, where she had to address grieving families.
  4. Navigating Political Realities: This chapter likely focuses on how she managed to deliver messages despite political tensions, such as navigating different bosses and remaining consistent under varying political pressures.
  5. Overcoming Mistakes with Humor: Psaki includes several self-deprecating stories highlighting her occasional blunders, like failing to recognize Chance the Rapper at a state dinner. She uses these mistakes to reinforce how humor can be an effective communication tool.
  6. Applying Lessons to Personal Life: Beyond her professional career, Psaki reveals how her experiences have shaped her personal life. She provides practical wisdom on imparting life lessons to her daughter and finding the right work-life balance.

In essence, “Say More” balances professional advice with personal anecdotes, offering insights into boundary-setting, managing gossip, and captivating audiences. Psaki’s blend of humor and humility makes the book accessible even to non-political readers. It has garnered positive reviews for its candid look into the world of political communication.

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