Books Summaries

Book Summary: “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia MD and Bill Gifford

We have all dreamed about living longer. After all, nobody wants to die. While research is still far from stopping death, it has progressed to a point where it can actually help us live longer. Today’s book is just about that. How can you extend your lifespan? The book “Outlive: The Science and Art of

Book Summary: “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia MD and Bill Gifford Read More »

Books Summaries, Science & Technology

Summary of Thinking, Fast and Slow Book by Daniel Kahneman

It was late evening when the phone rang. A father, already weary from a long day, heard the words no parent ever wants to hear—his child had fallen ill at school. Panic surged through him like an electric current, and within minutes, he was speeding toward the hospital, heart pounding, mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Summary of Thinking, Fast and Slow Book by Daniel Kahneman Read More »

Books Summaries, Psychology & Mindfulness
hidden potential

Hidden Potential by Adam Grant: Book Summary and Insights

Hidden Potential is a book written by Adam Grant. He’s a well-known author who writes about how people can do amazing things. The main idea of the book is this: You don’t have to be a genius or a superstar to do great things. Everyone has the ability to achieve greatness. This book shows us

Hidden Potential by Adam Grant: Book Summary and Insights Read More »

Books Summaries, Self-Help & Personal Development
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