Action Steps

I love reading and I enjoy both reading fiction for the heart and nonfiction for the mind. One of the issues I faced when reading a nonfiction book is that after reading it, I feel overwhelmed with all the wisdom, knowledge, and techniques I have read. This great feeling sometimes confuses me and makes me wonder where to start. Should I read the book again, or should I read a book summary online, or should I summarize it myself? I found that the best way to use the knowledge I acquired by reading the book is to summarize the important knowledge from the book into practical steps, Action Steps, that I can act upon easily and practically in order to apply the knowledge I acquired and improve my life. After all, we read nonfiction to develop and improve. I wanted to share these action steps with my community of book readers free of charge because I am sure there are some book lovers out there feeling the same way I felt before.

Action steps _atomic habits